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Tree Damage and Our Furry Yard Friends (Rodents)

Rodents causing Tree Damage?  Brookfield Tree Service gives homeowners the scoop on how to protect their trees from Mice, Rabbits, Beavers and other rodents.  We're Brookfield's Tree Removal Experts for a reason, but we always want to prevent tree damage from critters.

Seeing wide-eyed, nibbling little creatures on our lawn, chewing on a piece of grass here and there is a sight many of us enjoy and even welcome.  We think of our frolicking little friends as innocent and harmless moving lawn ornaments.

While this thinking may be true sometimes, reality isn’t quite as storybook pretty.  When rodents are hungry, they can be very destructive to a person’s property.  We might only think of rats or mice as being rodents, but the true meaning of the word includes rabbits, beavers, porcupines, and squirrels, among others.  The collection of this cute and not so cute bunch can really do a number on your plants and trees.  It may seem hard to believe, but they don’t cause only surface damage.  They can actually cause enough damage to a tree that the tree may die.

Let’s look at a few of these rodents and the destruction they can cause.


The normal diet of a mouse includes young trees and shrubs.  They will chew on the larger tree choices as well, and usually at the base of the tree near the soil.  The damage will cause the tree to weaken in health and can eventually cause the tree to die.

Field Mice

Another type of mouse, also known as a vole, is known to chew on tree trunks, especially during the winter months.  They peel bark and will also chew on the roots.  They can do enough damage to kill young trees.


Rabbits will eat bark in a ring around the entire tree, which cuts off the flow of nutrients to the top half of the tree.  The sap cannot flow past the bare part of the tree.  This will cause the tree to gradually die.  This also opens up the tree to more threat of infestations and disease.


While we may not see beavers as often as other rodents, they are still a threat to trees.  Beavers don’t just look to trees for food, they also use them for making dams.  They are larger in size to their relatives that are mentioned in this article.  They have a bigger bite, which aids them in greater damage.

What Can Be Done for Protection?

You can encourage rodents to move off of your land to find their food elsewhere that doesn’t severely damage or kill the trees in your landscape.

There are different types of guards you can buy that will protect the base of your tree, not allowing it to be bitten into.  You can use a plastic flexible drainpipe by splitting one side open, and reclosing it after you wrap it around the tree.  Hardware cloth and corrugated cardboard sheets are other options.  Keep in mind that you need to use tree guards properly, as in making sure they are loose enough, around the tree.  Neglecting to pay attention can cause the tree to become damaged or even die, so you want to be sure you don’t forget them once they are on the tree.

You can also use spray repellents on your trees can deter rodents.

An ounce of prevention can save a bundle of frustration after a rodent has chosen your tree to chew into.

Other Tree Tips Courtesy of Brookfield Tree Service:

Your Guide to Hiring a Tree Service Company

The Tragedy of Tree Topping

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Dealing with Invasive Tree Roots